Sunday, May 27, 2007

First Day!?

Excited.. nervous.. afraid.. Urgh! Mixed emotions with an upset stomach

This what I felt in my first day in a new company..
Yes! You read it right.

Well, for all those concern people who do not know yet.
I transferred to a new company called Infinite-O..

Yup! After three years working in SPi, I resigned (with tears in my eyes like Gloria Arroyo did in her "I am sorry statement")

Maybe that's life.. there's no permanent things in this extra-ordinary world but change..

I hope that new great things will happen aside from the wonderful lunch I had lately..


--- Lighter Side----
In a classy bar, a German ordered: Waiter, Remy Martin, single!
French: Waiter, Carlo Rossi, double!
Pinoy: (So we’ve first to introduce ourselves before ordering). Waiter, Popoy Dimaunat, married! (The waiter was puzzled).



Dr.Pepper said...

hahahahaha nice one, mee too im also double.

THE ANiTOKiD said...

Much thanks for linking my site! Wonderful layout! And good luck! :)